
FullofcolorsinspiredbythetheoriesofNeo-ImpressionistpainterGeorgesSeurat,thispaintingisaveryfaithfuldepictionofVanGogh'sbedroomatthe ...,,WhileinArles,VanGoghmadethispaintingofhisbedroom,whichhehadfittedoutwithsimplewoodenfurnitureandhisownartonthewalls.,BedroominArlesisthetitlegiventothreesimilarpaintingsby19th-centuryDutchPost-ImpressionistpainterVincentvanGogh.BedroominArles(first ...,VanGo...

Van Gogh's Bedrooms

Full of colors inspired by the theories of Neo-Impressionist painter Georges Seurat, this painting is a very faithful depiction of Van Gogh's bedroom at the ...

The Bedroom

While in Arles, Van Gogh made this painting of his bedroom, which he had fitted out with simple wooden furniture and his own art on the walls.

Bedroom in Arles

Bedroom in Arles is the title given to three similar paintings by 19th-century Dutch Post-Impressionist painter Vincent van Gogh. Bedroom in Arles (first ...

The Bedroom

Van Gogh conceived the first Bedroom in October 1888, a month after he moved into his “Yellow House” in Arles, France. This moment marked the first time the ...

La Chambre de Van Gogh à Arles

Van Gogh produced three, almost identical paintings on the theme of his bedroom. The first, in the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, was executed in October ...

The most famous bedroom in art history

2020年10月9日 — A story of changing wall colours, a pair of pillows, wartime bombs and the hunt for a lost bed.

Vincent van Gogh

Vincent painted The Bedroom in the South of France: a turbulent period in his life. He fell ill and cut off his ear, but he kept working despite everything.


《在亞爾的臥室》第一個版本一直都是梵谷家族的財產,由梵谷的侄子文森·威廉·梵谷(Vincent Willem van Gogh)創立的梵谷基金會(Vincent van Gogh Foundation)所收藏,並 ...